Bill Heyman has got the caller listing at going. Looks like he got the initial data from the Dave Gipson listing, but the databases will be maintained separately (at least the forms for entering data are different).
Whoa! Yet another database for callers/cuers. This one, sponsored by the USDA, just started (I’m the fourth caller listed). There are a couple of oddities. For one thing, when you ask for a listing of the whole database, you get a pretty lengthy form for each caller. Once there are a few hundred callers in the db, it’ll take forever to download and scroll. (Much better, I think, to have a list, and then a way of getting from the listed caller to a complete record, as in Vic Ceder’s db.) The USDA database also has a checkbox field labeled “Popular”. Now, am I supposed to self-label myself as popular? I have a hard time with that.
More on holidays…of course, March is dominated by St. Patrick’s day, and of course, there are lots of Irish-themed records (although I’m not sure why “I’m Looking Over a Four-Leafed Clover” is considered so Irish…a shamrock really isn’t the same as a cloverleaf, is it?).
But March 19 is Wyatt Earp’s birthday (yee-ha, break out the cowboy records…there’s a new one, “Long Tall Texan” (ESP 1045)). And March 24 is Harry Houdini’s birthday; you can use those magic records that you normally use at Halloween. And Elton John’s birthday is March 25, but I couldn’t find any Elton John records in my collection. March 31 is the Eiffel Tower’s birthday…got any French-themed records?
Supreme Audio keeps lists of theme records; they’ve got John Denver songs, polkas, Hawaiian, Texas swing, football…all kinds of stuff that might trigger your creativity for a special dance.
The Academy Awards show is coming up; go to Best Music/Song for a list of winning and nominated songs from 1935 (The Gay Divorcee) to 1999 (Prince of Egypt). Unfortunately, the page just shows the movies; to find the actual song title, you need to go to the movie’s page and then to the Awards and Nominations page. Or, to make it easier, I gathered the info and put it at Academy Award Winning Songs.