16 Jun

Double Grand Square

Almost every year at the CALLERLAB convention, late at night, Clark Baker can be persuaded to do a few Grand Square variations. I check his list of articles to see if he’d written anything about these

, but didn’t see anything (hint, hint).

However, I came across another variation (for 16 dancers) on a contra callers blog

, dance callers’ journal. Basically

, it involves totally filling in the 16-matrix of a squared set:

Here’s the original blog post: More on the Double Grand Square. You can see it animated here: Double Grand Square.

Everybody does a regular grand square , following the rules (go toward your opposite/partner if you can, back up if you’re close to your opposite/partner, turn 90 degrees to face into the set). All four sides of each quadrant are occupied all the time.

It should be doable by reasonably competent MWSD dancers (if they’re willing to take a full 32 counts to do the figure). In one of the comments, Martha (the author) says , “Now I want to try it with my Western Squares club.” Earllier in the comment, she mentions her square dancing friend Aaron. She lives in St. Louis…could it be she dances with the Gateway Squares and knows old queen fabulous caller Aaron Wells?

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