11 Oct

Newsweek mentions contra dancing

This is from Newsweek, but it’s not in the web edition, as far as I can tell. It’s from page 5 of a special advertising section in the October 13, 2003 Newsweek. The page is titled “Fall Into Fitness” by Beth Howard, and suggests contra dancing (along with Pilates and cyclilng) as an exercise:

What it is: Contra dancing is a type of American folk dancing whose roots can be traced to English country dancing. Although it started as socializing, contra dancing (which resembles square dancing) provides a lively workout, offering benefits such as better cardiovascular health and improved muscle tone. Contra danciing is generally performed in lines with women on one side and men on the other (contra is Latin for “opposite”). No lessons are required because a caller directs the dance–if you can follow directions, you can do it. Expect to find people of all ages and skill levels.

Who it’s for: People who like to ocmbine their social life with exercise or who don’t want a prescribed program.

Who it’s not for: Those who like to do their fitness solo.

How to start: Many community centers, schools, houses of worship and gyms offer contra dancing. Check your phone book and local entertainment listings, or type “contra dancing” and your city into your internet search engine.

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