08 Jan

A political contra dance

Four More Years

A contra dance by Steve Recchia, of Reno, NV
from the CDSS (Country Dance and Song Soc) News

Four More Years
Duple Improper

Suggested tunes:
Poor Blood for Oil
Let Them Breathe Cake

Circle Right

Circle Right

Circle Right

Circle Right

Circle Right

Circle Right

Circle Right

Circle Right.
Face same neighbors.
Do not progress.

An appropriate dance for January 20.

Note: Some dancers may wish to sit this one out.

Contra dancing has many similarities to square dancing. The dance is a fixed sequence of figures

, announced by a caller. Typical contra tunes can be divided into two parts, each of which is repeated. (Hence the A1/A2/B1/B2 divisions above.) One major difference between squares and contras is that instead of dancing with 3 other couples, you and partner progress along the set to dance with many other couples. The couple you are currently dancing with are your neighbors. (This dance does not progress.)
Also, while “circle right” is a simple figure, it often feels uncomfortable in the dance — it’s more likely than most figures to be part of a sequence that doesn’t flow well. (That just seems to happen to poor old circle right.) This dance is going to make some people dizzy

One thought on “A political contra dance

  1. Here in the UK we have had four more years of circle left. We now want to star right and pass through to some sense where people get meltdown for what they do!

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